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    Thanksgiving & Black Friday – How to Enjoy Holiday Festivities During Global Pandemic 2020?

    Posted in COVID-19 by Julie

    Thanksgiving & Black Friday Global Pandemic 2020

    With year-long planning, here we are preparing ourselves to celebrate Thanksgiving virtually. Not only Thanksgiving but the holiday buying season, including; Black Friday, is also expected to boom online.

    Yes, 2020 is the cyber year.

    Coronavirus has turned our world upside down.

    People around the world are curious about whether they will meet their loved ones this holiday season.

    Well, we can’t deny the fact that COVID-19 is still whirling around us.

    So, either we can behave recklessly by not taking any precautionary measures and get sick. We can play safe and follow the SOPs so that everyone around us stays healthy and we all can enjoy the holiday season.

    In this article, we are going to share some tips that will help you celebrate Thanksgiving and enjoy Black Friday deals without risking your lives with COVID-19.

    Let’s get started.

    Thanksgiving & Black Friday – How to Enjoy the Holiday Festivities During the Global Pandemic 2020?

    Thanksgiving 2020 and Black Friday are going to be quite different from the past years.

    The outspread of COVID-19 has overshadowed everything else happening around the world. People are busy normalizing health safety restrictions and rules to save their loved ones from the deadly virus.

    The Coronavirus chaos is affecting the upcoming holiday season as well.

    So, how will you spend Thanksgiving this year?

    By staying at home?

    Or by visiting your friends and family?

    Don’t worry. We all are in this challenging situation.

    Continue reading because the following sections contain easy tips to make your Thanksgiving and Black Friday less tiresome for you.

    Section 1: COVID-19 Precautions for Thanksgiving & Black Friday:

    Thanksgiving is incomplete without a family gathering. Likewise, we can’t think of Black Friday sales without overly crowded shopping malls.

    But, this year is unique.

    As Thanksgiving, along with Black Friday, involves social gatherings, there is more risk of catching the infection if we celebrate the holiday season as per traditional ways.

    However, you can make your holiday season delightful.

    Here are some precautionary measures that you must follow to avoid contacting COVID-19.

    Related: COVID-19 Stay Safe and Survive Thanksgiving 2020

    Maintain Social Distancing:

    • Practice social distancing.
    • Keep at least 6 feet distance from people outside your home.
    • Avoid crowded places and do not eat anything outside your home.
    • Avoid shaking hands with people you meet. Greet them verbally or practice hand waving instead.
    • Do not travel.
    • Avoid in-person meetings and social gatherings.

    Wear Mask:

    • Only use medically approved face masks.
    • Keep your face covered with a mask when wandering outside.
    • Avoid interaction with people who don’t wear masks.
    • Do not use costume masks or use double masks as it can cause difficulty in breathing.

    Limit Physical Contact:

    • Avoid meeting people outside, especially those who had encountered a COVID-19 patient in the last 14-days.
    • Wash your hands thoroughly or sanitize your hands several times.
    • Keep disinfectant aerosol sprays or surface cleaners with you.
    • Wear gloves, do not touch any surface bare-handed.

    Wash & Sanitize Your Hands:

    • Develop a habit of washing your hands for at least 20 seconds.
    • Use medically approved sanitizers containing 60% alcohol.

    Now, let’s jump to the main section explaining some fun ways to enjoy holiday festivities during the global epidemic.

    Section 2: How to Celebrate the Holiday Season 2020 with Zero Risks?

    The lockdown and the global pandemic is still trembling with our lives.

    If you are thinking of traveling back to your parents or grandparents this Thanksgiving, then drop this idea right now!

    Travelling exposes you to gas stations, bus stations, public transport, and other places where you can’t avoid human interaction.

    Whether it is the Thanksgiving dinner or holiday gift shopping, we all should stay at our homes to avoid social distancing.

    Here are some creative ideas to spend a pleasurable holiday time.

    Safer Thanksgiving Activities:

    Thanksgiving can be as delightful as we want. Or it can be dull and boring. It all depends on us.

    Many activities can make your Thanksgiving safe and enjoyable without putting your life at any risk.

    The following are some Thanksgiving activities that you can enjoy at your home with your family.

    • Prepare Thanksgiving meals together.
    • Arrange indoor games for your kids.
    • Watch parades, football, or movies.
    • Join your distant family members via video call.

    Staying at home is somehow necessary for the health safety of our friends and family. But if you want to take some fresh air, you can arrange a small yet time-limited outdoor gathering with your close companions.

    Safer Black Friday Activities:

    With the ongoing COVID-19 chaos, everyone is thinking if Black Friday has been cancelled.

    Well, stores and retailers are smarter beyond our imagination.

    Consumers await Black Friday sales. And to be honest, nobody wants to miss the extreme discounts.

    Fortunately, stores are encouraging people to shop online and avail cyber November deals.

    Stores like Target have already lived their Black Friday sale to avoid overcrowding on the actual date of Black Friday.

    Walmart has expanded its Black Friday sale to 3 separate events with a gap of two weeks leading to the actual date.

    Unlike other stores, Kohl will keep the stores closed on Thanksgiving, although the Black Friday sale will start on November 22. Moreover, you can avail of discount deals online.

    Now, as a consumer, here is what you can do during the holiday gift-buying season;

    • Avoid crowded places.
    • Wear a mask while shopping outside.
    • Keep hand sanitizer, and disinfectant aerosol sprays with you.
    • Consider curbside pickups.
    • Explore cyber November deals and discounts online.

    So, how would you avail Black Friday deals this pandemic?

    The Final Words:

    The surge of COVID-19 has affected our well-being. Now, it is time to spend the holiday season in tranquility. Suppose you doubt that your child or loved one is not following the precautionary measure. In that case, you can track them using location tracking software.

    Yes, mobile trackers can help you track your kids during the holiday season.

    Mobile trackers like TheWiSpy can help you locate your children anytime you want. Parents can also discover if their child is present at a social gathering or spending holiday time at home. Don’t forget to greet your loved ones via virtual meetings. Stay safe and have a blessed Thanksgiving with your friends and family.


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