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    Teens Texting Abbreviations – Is Your Child Hiding Something?

    Posted in Digital Parenting by Mike


    Have you ever found sneaky teens text abbreviations in your child’s phone?

    Do you worry if your child is hiding something from you?

    We live in a modern age, driven mostly by the internet world. With the increase in social networking apps, it is tough to track what children communicate online.

    Text-based communications among teens have become a gateway for kids to talk about anything. Teens use slang, abbreviations, and acronyms to encode their double-meaning conversation. On the other hand, parents are unaware of the acronym language of their kids, having no idea about what their kids are talking.

    If you are a parent, you must know about the teen’s text abbreviations or slang.

    In this article, we are going to highlight some commonly used slang and acronyms so that parents can understand the sext language and spy text messages of kids to guard their kids against cyber threats.

    Teens Text Abbreviations Among Kids – What Are Acronyms?

    Kids are pretty good at understanding technology and operating smart devices. Teens know how to get away with their blunders. Such sneaky behaviour helps kids escape their unethical doings. One of the most secret activities in which kids find pleasure is sexting, dating, alcoholism, etc. Kids use acronyms when they want to deliver an instant reply to a text. Instead of writing a long letter word, it is convenient to use an abbreviation or acronym. But, teens take advantage of using acronyms to encode slang or double meaning talk.

    What are Acronyms?

    An acronym is a sole term that consists of the primary/first letters of more than one word. Acronyms and abbreviations can have the same context; both are the short forms of long letter words.

    Have you ever caught your teens text message having strange acronyms?

    If you have, then you must have asked your kid the meaning of that specific word.

    Kids do not feel comfortable discussing their routine with their parents. Teens are a pro at hiding shady things from their parents.

    Do you want to know what acronym teens use while having sneaky text conversations teens texting abbreviations?

    Let’s have a look at it.

    Teens Texting Abbreviations Dictionary

    Kids use countless acronyms. For parents, it can be tricky to decode their kid’s conversation if they do not know the meaning of text acronyms.

    Acronyms can be both inoffensive and offensive.

    READ ALSO: How to Know if Your Child is Using Online Dating Apps?

    A Guide for Parents Having Commonly Used Acronyms Among Teens

    Here is a text dictionary for parents revealing all the commonly used abbreviations and acronyms. You can now decode your child’s conversation.

    List of Inoffensive Acronyms:

    • BRB – Be right back.
    • OOTD – outfit of the day
    • IMHO – in my humble opinion
    • YMMD – you made my day
    • AFK – away from the keyboard
    • AFAIK – as far as I know
    • ATM – at the moment
    • Yh – yes
    • Kk – okay
    • WRU – where are you?
    • Thx – thanks
    • TBH – to be honest
    • Ikr – I know, right?
    • BTW – by the way
    • Dope – something exceptionally cool
    • F2F- face to face
    • Pls – please
    • Fam – friends
    • FINSTA – fake Instagram account
    • GB – goodbye
    • DW – don’t worry
    • LMIRL – let’s meet in real life
    • Obvs – obviously
    • GTG – got to go
    • NTS – not too sure
    • OFC – of course
    • SMH – shaking my head
    • Beef – disagreement
    • NM – not much
    • GLHF – good luck, have fun
    • Main G – best friend
    • OTP – on the phone

    List of Offensive Acronyms:

    • KMS – kill myself
    • KYS – kill yourself
    • AF – as f**k
    • Bae – crush or gf/bf
    • Bih – bi*ch
    • TDTM – talk dirty to me
    • Cappin’ – lying
    • ASL – age/sex/location
    • Body Count – no. of people with whom someone had slept with
    • DTF – down to f**k
    • FBOI – f**k boy
    • FWB – friends with benefits
    • GNOC – get naked on camera
    • GYPO – get your pants off
    • Smash – to have s*x
    • Swooped – to be picked up by a car or other automobile
    • Thot – that hoe over there
    • Thicc – having an attractive body
    • Broken – hangover by alcohol
    • DOC – drug of choice

    List of Acronyms Indicating Parent’s Presence

    • POS – parent over shoulder
    • PAW – parents are watching
    • CD9 – code 9 (parents around)
    • PIR – parent in the room
    • KPC – keep parents clueless

    List of Acronyms indicating Drugs

    • Molly – Ecstasy/MDMA
    • CID – Acid
    • 420 – Marijuana

    Now, that you know about the commonly used acronyms among teens, you can understand and get the real meaning of the tailored encoded messages.

    But, what if you find something fishy?

    How would you control the matter if you catch your kid sexting or bullying online?

    In the next section, we are going to share an effective solution to help parents deal with the sneaky text messages their kids send or receive.

    How to Deal with Teens Texting Abbreviations and Slangs? A Parental Guide:

    Knowing the meanings of acronyms and texting slangs used by kids is not enough. Parents need to deal with their kids getting addicted to porn, sexting and unlawful activities. Teenage is an agile period in everyone’s life. When parents put restrictions on teens, it agitates them and makes them rebellious. Due to this reason, parents need to learn online etiquettes and improve their parenting skills.

    Thanks to technology for providing us with countless ways to advance parenting.

    Now, with the help of digital tools, parents can find out what their kids type in text messages and to whom they communicate.

    Here are a few points that every parent must consider regarding their kids;

    • Who are the friends of your kid?
    • What type of content your child searches online?
    • To whom your child texts?
    • What search queries your kid makes when using the internet?
    • Whose numbers are saved in the contact list of your child?

    The aforementioned questions will let parents reveal how much they are aware of the virtual space of their children. If you do not find an answer to any of these questions, you probably need a modified solution for it.

    Recommended – TheWiSpy app.

    TheWiSpy App – An Advanced Solution for Modern Parenting:

    The best way to know what your child types on his/her cell phone is by using a parental control app. Apps, like TheWiSpy, offer keylogging features that detect the slang text abbreviations and send instant notification to parents whenever their kids type it.

    TheWiSpy parental control software is designed to authorise and empower parents to control the virtual space of their children. All you need to do is to install the app, and TheWiSpy will send you a detailed record on the typed keystrokes of your target device. Parents can set specific keywords that they find shady, and the app will alert them whenever those keywords are triggered.

    TheWiSpy parental controls provide parents with;

    • Typed search query report.
    • Access to restrict keywords.
    • Monitor content that includes offensive keywords.
    • Instant alerts when keywords are triggered or used.

    TheWiSpy is an advanced parental control software that immediately notifies parents when their kids use the restricted acronyms or abbreviations. Through TheWiSpy monitoring, parents can detect the potential dangers and deal with such threats before their kids regret it.

    Final Words:

    Text abbreviations or acronyms can contain concealed details in a conversation. Parents worry about the meaning of acronyms and abbreviations their kids use while talking to their peers. Now, with the help of parental controls, it is convenient to view all the keystrokes made by kids using their devices. Parents can not only save their kids from cyber and physical dangers but also create a secure virtual space for juveniles.


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