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    5 Online Etiquettes Every Child Must Learn About

    Posted in Parental Control by Mike


    Mobile devices have become a vital part of our lives. The modern kids of today start using smart devices from a very young age. It would be correct to say that children of the present era are more tech-savvy than their parents.

    The internet world provides so many learning opportunities for kids. But, kids are indeed always curious. When given online freedom, children can explore the online space and encounter cyber dangers. That is why it is significant for parents to teach kids how to use cyberspace safely.

    No one wants their child to become a bully or a cyber-criminal. Nor, parents would like the online abusers to victimize their kids. 

    Like teaching children other routine manners, parents should also focus on training their kids about how to behave on the internet.

    Let’s discover 5 etiquettes that every kid of today must learn.

    5 Online Etiquettes Every Child Must Know

    Kids begin to stare at the mobile devices as young as being a toddler. Research shows that children’s online history starts from the age of 2 years. From poems to educational stuff, kids interact with smart devices all the time. At the age of teenagers, children start to discover social media, games, and other apps.

    There is a pile of online threats, waiting to lure juveniles. Parents can either save their kids from cyber dangers or wait and see them getting victimized.

    As it is said: “prevention is better than cure”.

    Here are some guidelines for parents to teach their kids about the right use of the online space.

    1- Stay Humble & Treat Others The Way You Want Yourself To Be Treated:

    To live a peaceful life, you have to follow the “Golden Rule” that is; to treat others as you want to be treated. Teens, today, are so busy entertaining themselves that they forget the true meaning of life. The online space is full of cyberbullies, posting racist or hateful comments to make someone feel inferior or insecure.

    Well. if you don’t want your child to become a bully, then you have to teach him/her the “Golden Rule”.

    Communicating with your child about social issues is the best way to make them learn fine etiquette. You can discuss cyber threats and their consequences with your children. Always remember, as a parent, it is your sole responsibility to teach your kids to be better people. So that people who got victimized by cyber threats can believe again in humanity.

    2- Never Overlook The Importance of Privacy:

    The internet world has billions of eyes. There are around 4.57 billion internet users.

    Teens do not bother setting privacy on their social accounts, and that may invite a stalker or molester to their profile.

    It is significant to let our kids know that what they share or post online can be seen by such a big crowd. Teens must beware that what they post on their public profile stays online on the internet space. People can take screenshots of what we share online and use it against us.

    Yes, even though we delete something from our public profile, we still would have no idea who saved it. People can misuse our identity to involve in a crime or do other illegal activities. Parents should talk about these red flags with their kids so they respect the concept of privacy.

    3- Stay Away From The Internet Drama:

    The online world brings new trends every day. With so many online game challenges, children waste their time to impress communities on social media. We all know how the “Blue Whale” trapped and threatened children. That is why parents should tell their kids that not every shiny object is gold. Also, there are so many other social media dramas that can result in flame wars. Posting comments online is not a bad thing, but posting something that may hurt others can result in immense destruction.

    Kids must know the sensitivity of the internet and avoid posting heated comments.

    4- Do Not Open Unknown Links or Websites:

    The Internet holds every type of content. And, no parent would like their kids to watch explicit or violent videos at a young age. As a parent, you have to educate your children about the hazards of unprotected websites. Also, make your kids aware of how phishing links and hacking can ruin someone’s life.

    Kids who are given proper instructions about how to use the internet safely, behave properly online even when given internet freedom.

    5- Do Not Violate Someone’s Confidence:

    At the present time, we all are active on social media. Our friends share photos, videos, and life events with us through their social profiles. Sharing something with friends online is like trusting somebody with your personal information.

    Must Read: How to

    Kids must learn not to violate someone’s confidence by sharing their private details with their friends or family. Teens, especially, must know it is unethical to leak someone’s cell phone photos or texts. Ask your kid to seek the consent of their friends before sharing anything about them. It is always better.

    How to Make Sure Your Child Behaves Well on The Internet?

    Almost every parent tells their kids about the good and bad side of cyberspace.

    But are you sure that your child is not misusing the internet?

    Don’t worry. You can always find this out.


    Kids Monitoring App is the answer here.

    There are several child tracking and monitoring apps available online to enable parents to explore the digital activities of their kids. One of the top child monitoring apps is TheWiSpy.

    Here is what parents can do with TheWiSpy kid’s monitoring solution;

    • Monitor Social Media
    • Listen to Phone Calls
    • Read Text & IM’s Messages
    • View Saved Multimedia
    • Monitor Screen Time
    • Track GPS Location
    • View Contact Lists
    • Monitor Call Logs
    • And Many More

    Isn’t it incredible that parents can now keep eyes on the digital activities of their kids?

    The Final Words:

    Learning online etiquettes is a must, especially for teens in this digital age. If parents fail to teach their kids how to use the internet and behave online, their children can probably misuse digital space. Nothing can help parents better than using a kid’s monitoring app. So, do you think you need to monitor what your kid does online?


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