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    How to Stay Safe and Survive Thanksgiving 2020 During COVID-19?

    Posted in COVID-19 by Julie


    Turkey, mashed potatoes, family gatherings, all these things remind us of Thanksgiving. But amid the COVID-19 epidemic, there is no better way to socialize than digital meetings. Thanksgiving 2020 is going to be different from past years.

    With the spike in COVID-19 cases, this holiday season is going to be challenging for all of us. As per CDC recommendations, we have to avoid social gatherings in order to make everyone safe around us.

    Thanksgiving day is a reunion of families sharing a meal together. But, as far as we concern about family safety, it is better to avoid attending Thanksgiving dinner, and in-person gathering.

    Here, we are going to share some precautionary measures to help you safely celebrate Thanksgiving 2020.

    Off we go!

    Section 1: How to Stay Safe and Survive Thanksgiving 2020 During COVID-19?

    With the global pandemic situation worsening again, we all concerned about how will we spend our holidays this year.

    The holiday season is all lined up. Not so far, we all will be celebrating Thanksgiving day.

    To sustain the legacy of Thanksgiving history, we all travel way back home and spend time with our loved ones.

    According to the report of the Centers of Disease Control & Prevention, travelling can increase the chance of catching and spreading the Corona Virus.

    Let’s take a look at some precautionary measures to reduce the risk of catching the Corona Virus this holiday season.

    Consider Healthy Gathering:

    We must admit that Thanksgiving 2020 is going to be more specific than we thought. However, as a host or attendee, we all should be extra cautious about joining our friends and family on the eve of Thanksgiving.

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    If you are hosting the Thanksgiving dinner, make sure not to invite people who has;

    • Exposed to COVID-19.
    • Waiting for their COVID-19 test results.
    • Exhibit symptoms of COVID-19.
    • Vulnerable to catch the virus (with any medical condition).
    • Been in contact with a COVID-19 patient in the last 14 days.

    If you too fall in any of the categories as mentioned above, avoid social gatherings, especially during the holiday season.

    Small Gathering Would Be Perfectly Splendid:

    Preparing Thanksgiving dinner for our loved ones and sharing a bite is the essence of this occasion. This year, we have to add something extra to the Thanksgiving menu, and that is social distancing.

    The global pandemic affected our well beings already; no one would take a chance to put their loved ones at risk.

    Note that indoor gathering with poor ventilation is much more dangerous than outdoor gathering.

    So, instead of inviting everyone, we can have virtual meetings with family members online. Avoid in-person gathering and share your Thanksgiving meal with your own household. Whether you are a host or the guest, make sure you wear a mask, sanitize your hands, and maintain adequate distance while enjoying your Thanksgiving food.

    Avoid Traveling – Is it Safe to Travel During the Global Pandemic?

    Travelling can expose you to the Corona Virus and increases your chances to catch the deadly COVID-19. Gas stations, public transport, bus stations, train stations, airports, all can be a potent source of huge gatherings.

    We do enjoy spending Thanksgiving with our parents and grandparents. But during such a difficult time, we must not forget that our elderly family members are most vulnerable to catch the virus. So, it is better to miss one in-person occasion. Also, if your kids live far for educational purposes, you must have experienced parental anxiety during COVID-19.

    One way or the other, by avoiding travelling, we can mitigate the chances of spreading infectious disease and save our loved ones. 

    Celebrate Thanksgiving Digitally:

    We, indeed, are struggling in between lockdown and the global pandemic.

    It’s time to celebrate the holidays digitally. To spice up Thanksgiving, have a good television time with your family. You can celebrate Thanksgiving by watching football, parades, movies.

    Invite your loved ones to a virtual meeting and spend some time together online.

    Since Thanksgiving is incomplete without shopping, you can shop online and buy presents for yourself and your loved ones.

    Ensure the Safety of Your Loved Ones:

    We all are in this together. As a parent, we have seen enough of the global epidemic disturbing our routine lives. On holidays, kids do wander around to play or meet friends. But, it is not the time to take any risks. People have already started tracking their loved ones since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, as there has been recorded a considerable surge in spy app usage.

    The only way to make sure your kids and other family members are in a safe locality is by using a phone tracking app.

    So, gear up and locate your family member with the help of GPS location tracking.

    Section 2: What to Do if You Get Exposed to COVID-19 During Holiday Season?

    If by any chance you get exposed to COVID-19 during the holiday season, quarantine yourself as soon as possible.

    The following section points out the precautionary measures that can help you evade the community spread of the Corona Virus.

    • Stay in isolation for a minimum of fourteen days.
    • Maintain distance from people who are at higher risk to catch the virus.
    • Watch for COVID-19 symptoms, including; dry cough, fever, and shortness of breath.
    • Go for a diagnostic test if you exhibit any symptoms of COVID-19.
    • Don’t forget to wear a mask and maintaining 6 feet distance when you go outside.
    • Develop a habit to sanitize your hands and surroundings.
    • Seek medical assistance ASAP, if your infection symptoms get worse.

    Wrapping Up:

    Kids, adults, elders, we all await the day of Thanksgiving 2020. The holiday season is a time to rejoice with our family, period.

    Unfortunately, the coming Thanksgiving would be quite different from the previous ones. This year, we have to stay cautious and avoid social gatherings in order to prevent the spread of the Corona Virus. However, you can greet Thanksgiving to your loved ones via video call. Remember, it is a tough time to cope with everything. And if we avoid social gathering in this holiday season, hopefully, the next year will unite us all once again.


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