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    All About Cyber Dangers Every Parent Should Know

    Posted in Cyberbullying by Mike

    all about cyber dangers every parent should know

    The internet world is not as secure as it seems. Though you have installed anti-malware or online protection tools in your smart devices, there is still a big chance of experiencing cyber dangers. For kids, the online space can be more daunting if they encounter online threats.

    Almost every other kid now owns a smart device. Certainly, we can’t stop our children from learning online. As the internet can be very beneficial for children. But at the same time, it can unleash the hidden cyber dangers that might harm kids.

    Teens stick to their cell phones all the time. Or we can say that kids today are developing mobile phone addiction.

    Then how can parents save their children from cyber threats?

    Well, the first and foremost step is getting aware of the possibilities that can, directly and indirectly, harm juveniles online.

    In this article, we are going to cover everything about cyber dangers that parents should know.

    So, let’s get started.

    All About Cyber Dangers Every Parent Should Know:

    The unseen online world can be hazardous for everyone, especially teens.

    Do you know that the accessible part of the worldwide web is only 0.004% of the internet?

    Yes, it is true. We can only see a little chunk of the online space, and yet it can cause harm to us.

    Imagine how dangerous the rest of the internet 99.996% (deep web) would be?

    Research shows that 60% of kids start using smart devices before the age of 11 years. And when it comes to keeping eyes on the online space of kids, only 50% of the parents check the web browsing history of their children. Although, 46% of the parents prefer limiting the digital space of their kids.

    Modern parents look for a modern solution for everything. Digital parenting is trending with an increased rate of cyber threats.

    Here are some most common online dangers that can hurt kids in many possible ways.

    • Cyberbullying: Bullying is not limited to schools and playgrounds, but it has reached our personal space through the internet. The rate of receiving mean and hateful comments online is ever increasing. Stats show that more than half of the online population of teens face cyberbullying.
    • Cyber Predators: Online world is full of people lurking for vulnerable teens so that they can take sexual benefits from them. Paedophiles and sex offenders prey on kids (12-15 years of age) by either manipulating or blackmailing them.
    • Security Threats: Teens post and share everything online. Security threats include; malware attacks, fake profiles, misused personal information, hacking, etc. Negligence in providing cybersecurity for kids can make their life miserable.
    • Explicit Content: Kids, as young as 11 years old, can accidentally open a pornographic website while surfing through the internet. Children aged 12-17 years, especially boys, can possibly become addicted to explicit content.
    • Scams: Frauds and scams are not rare in the online world. Children are naïve, and thus can be easily get trapped into online scams.

    In today’s digital world, it is complicated for parents to restrict the screen usage of their kids. Teens get offended when asked about what they do online.

    So, what is the better way to keep kids safe online?

    Don’t worry! We got that covered.

    Allow us to discuss some parenting tips to enable parents to safeguard their teens and tweens from the harms and dangers of the internet.

    Safeguard Your Kids Online – A Few Tips for Parents:

    Parents keep teaching their kids about etiquette and manners. It is significant to tell children how to behave and survive in this world.

    Online etiquettes have become the talk of the town as more and more parents are getting aware of the consequences of cyber threats.

    Here are some tips for parents that will help them teach to create a healthy cyber environment for their children.

    Tip # 1: Be Your Child’s Friend:

    Communication is the only key that can create a trust relationship between parents and kids. Parents must not be aggressive all the time. As a parent, you need to relax and calmly discuss everything with your child. Encourage your kid to come to you when he/she faces any problem. Tell them that no matter what will happen, you are always here to help. Have a healthy conversation with your kids and ask them to come to you whenever they find anything disturbing online. 

    Tip # 2: Monitor Online Activities:

    Parents must not sit back and watch if their kid gets into online trouble. Parents get along to know the real-life friends of their children. It is also crucial to know who your child communicates with online. Parents should keep eagle eyes on the online space of their kids and monitor where they go, who they call, what they post, etc. to ensure that their kids mingle in a safe community.

    Tip # 3: Talk About Cyber Threats:

    The only way to keep your child safe from online dangers is by discussing the consequences with them. Parents must talk about the real-life stories of the cyber threats victims so that their kids can take an example and avoid engaging in suspicious activities.

    Tip # 4: Discuss Privacy:

    Kids, especially teens, must know the significance of privacy. As a parent, it is your responsibility to instruct your child about the importance of privacy. Teens must understand that what they post or share online remains in the internet space for life. No matter if kids delete their posts, nobody knows if someone had taken a screenshot of it or not. That is why kids should use the online space safely and take each step on the internet with caution.

    Tip # 5: Use a Parental Control App:

    The best way to limit the online world from the devices of your kids is to use a reliable parental control app. Using such software, parents can not only restrict content from the screens of their kid’s devices but also monitor their every online move.

    To save your time, here is a list of the top 5 best parental control apps;

    1. TheWiSpy
    2. FamiSafe
    3. Norton Family
    4. mSpy
    5. CocoSpy

    So, whenever you feel the need to control the digital space of your child, install parental control software on your kid’s phone and restrict the evil content secretly.

    Wrapping Up:

    Parents today are somehow aware of the online threats revolving around the internet space. Children explore the internet without knowing that cyber dangers can target them. Parents should teach their kids the manners to use online space safely. Also, it is vital to keep eye on the digital activities of children. The ultimate way to make sure your child does not misuse the internet is using parental monitoring software.

    Stay safe and create a secure digital environment for your kids.


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