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    5 Ways to Monitor Kids and Ensure Their Security

    Posted in Parental Control by Julie

    ways to monitor kids and ensure their safety

    Kids are always ready to explore new things. Such curiosity leads children to do risky activities, without even knowing. Parents are ever-prepared to save their kids from troubles. Nobody wants a child’s life in danger. That’s why parents keep close eyes on every action their kid performs. Child’s supervision can also be accelerated with the help of technology–The invention of the kid’s and teen’s monitoring apps. In this article, we will discuss 5 ways to monitor kids and ensure their safety in the online world.

    We all live in the epoch of technology. From kids, teens, adults to elderly people everyone uses smart devices. As per the recent statistics, 88% of the teens and 53% of tweens own personal smart devices in the United States. No doubt, smartphones, and tablets have made almost every activity simpler but still, there should be a certain limit to handover smart devices to children.

    Do you think it is the right age to give your kid a personal smart device?

    How to Monitor Kids?

    At today’s time, it is significant for parents to monitor every single activity their child does. Certainly, parents can’t be with their children all the time because of school, playtime, and other activities. Yet, several ways ensure parents that their kids are safe.

    Let’s see the ways to monitor kids and ensure their safety.

    1. Talk to Your Kids
    2. Establish Certain Rules & Regulations
    3. Beware of the Whereabouts of Your Children
    4. Turn on Privacy Settings
    5. Use Kid’s Monitoring Software 

    Want to know more?

    Keep reading. Explore ways to monitor kids and ensure their safety. Discover how significant it is to keep tabs on your children.

    ·     Talk to Your Kids:

    Kid’s monitoring is not as hard as it seems. To check on the daily activity of your kids, talking is the very first step.

    Gaining your child’s trust is your utmost responsibility as a parent. The time has evolved, and so is parenting. Make your child comfortable so that he/she will not hesitate to share anything with you.

    Parents must befriend their kids. As a modern parent, you are responsible to teach your children the pros and cons of digital devices. Talk to your kids about everything. Tell your kids the importance of smartphones and tablets, but also make them aware of the potential dangers these devices hold.

    Parents should make themselves available for their kids. Any barrier between you and your kid can cause serious damage to your relationship as well as the child’s behavior.

    Another thing that should be included is, too much inquiring can irritate your children especially teens. So, give them proper space and let them share things with you.

    Break the ice and bond with your children.

    ·     Establish Certain Rules & Regulations:

    Set time limits and allow your kids to play games, watch television, and use mobile phones during a certain time range. For tweens, parents should restrict screen time because using too many tablets or phones makes them dependent or develop addiction among them.

    Ask them to manage family time, study time, playtime, etc.

    Moreover, parents should set some ground rules. Don’t bound your children, but make them learn the value of time.

    ·     Beware of the Whereabouts of Your Children:

    The most common issue that keeps parents anxious is the whereabouts of teens and tweens. It is vital to track the GPS location of children. To ensure that the kids are safe outside, parents must trace the location history of their children.

    There are too many dangers outside that can harm your kid. For instance, bad company, molesters, kidnappers, etc.

    To prevent your child from the potential dangers of outside, you must keep track of the placed visited by your kids. For that, a kid’s monitoring app is the best option. Not only it will help you track your child anytime you want but also enables you to monitor further digital as well as physical activities remotely.

    Don’t just sit and wait for your kid to come home. Track their location and find out if he/she is at school or the pub and other places.

    ·     Turn on Privacy Settings:

    Today, smart devices have built-in blocking filters. You set the age limit on certain apps and webs before handing over the device to your kids. Speaking of television, parents can now restrict adult or inappropriate content by using tech filters.

    Make sure your kid does get addicted to any type of content that can harm his/her brain.

    ·     Use Kid’s Monitoring Software:

    If any of the above-mentioned ways fails, the only option left is employing kids monitoring app in your child’s phone and tablet. Child monitoring software enables parents to keenly supervise the digital space of their teens and kids.

    Here is what you can do with a kid’s monitoring app:

    • Listen to call recordings
    • Read text messages
    • Monitor social media
    • Track GPS location
    • View gallery
    • Block apps and webs
    • View browsing history
    • Monitor screen usage
    • Remotely control the target device

    Child monitoring apps are specially designed for parents that could not keep a check on their kids due to busy routines. Kid’s surveillance apps have a user-friendly interface so that parents, who don’t have any knowledge of technology, can use it well.

    According to a popular Russian proverb that perfectly suits the continuing scenario; Trust, But Verify.

    For your serenity, keep close eyes on your kids and be aware of everything that happens in their lives.

    Don’t waste your energy and start digital monitoring now. If you are looking for a child monitoring app with advanced features, try Parents around the globe prefer TheWiSpy due to its amazing features and user-friendly interface.

    So, what’s keeping you waiting?


    Parents worldwide are seeking ways to monitor their kid’s phones and tablets. Due to increasing cyber threats, it is important to keep eye on your children. You can either tell them preventive measures or monitor them digitally. As we already discussed the ways to monitor kids and ensure their safety. The advantage of digital monitoring is; you don’t have to repeatedly ask questions about the daily routine of your children.

    Stay safe and keep your kids protected from the dangers of the cyber and real world.


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